Ball pythons, unlike dogs, have never been the most outgoing, attention-seeking pets. They’re typically quite docile creatures who are reserved, yet will warm up to a person with enough handling and physical attention.
Both females and males have equally calm natures, and neither gender is more likely to be aggressive than the other. Whether a ball python is aggressive, calm, or curious depends on the specific ball python’s temperament. That being said, there are traits that do carry over across many ball pythons. For example, many ball pythons do not like to be touched on the top of their head or on the part of their neck closest to their head. This spooks them. Others, however, will be perfectly fine with this type of physical attention.
If you’re looking to get a ball python that isn’t too shy, or who isn’t aggressive, go visit a local breeder or pet store. Be sure to handle the particular ball pythons you’re interested in taking home with you, and choose the one whose temperament you like best.
If you want a ball python who isn’t shy about letting you stroke his or her head, make sure to very carefully test this by gently touching the ball python’s upper neck, then making your way toward his or her head. Although some ball pythons will be okay with this type of physical attention, others will never be comfortable with it, so keep this in mind.
Overall, when you’re looking for a pet to bring home, be sure to handle all the snakes you’re considering adopting.
After handling all the possibilities, choose the particular snake that you like best, likely the one you bonded with best. Although some may be too shy and others too aggressive for your taste, there’s bound to be at least one that’s just right for you!