Ball pythons are quite notorious for refusing to eat. In fact, feeding problems are by far the most common amongst ball python owners. More often than not, there is absolutely no problem with the care a ball python owner is giving to their pet. … [Read more...] about The Ultimate Ball Python Feeding Troubleshooting Guide
Articles about the maintenance of proper environmental conditions for ball python pet care. Topics covered include enclosure type, humidity, hides, temperature, and enclosure cleanliness.
Do Ball Pythons Have to Sleep in a Hide?
Ball pythons feel most comfortable in cozy, dark spaces, where they have just enough space for themselves and a little extra wiggle room to spare. Typically, a ball python will prefer a tighter fit than a larger space, but there must be a bit of … [Read more...] about Do Ball Pythons Have to Sleep in a Hide?
Will Ball Pythons Eat Another Ball Python?
Some snakes, like king snakes for example, are extremely cannibalistic and will eat any other snake, including ones that larger than them. Although rarer than with other snakes, ball pythons have at times been known to be cannibalistic. A ball … [Read more...] about Will Ball Pythons Eat Another Ball Python?
What Causes Lethargy in Ball Pythons?
First off, if your ball python is behaving lethargically, which means that he or she is being sluggish or lazy compared to his or her usual self, take a breath and don't worry: chances are there's a completely healthy explanation for your ball … [Read more...] about What Causes Lethargy in Ball Pythons?
Why Did My Ball Python Bite Me?
There are three overarching reasons for a ball python biting or attempting to bite a human: temperament, stress, and mistaking a hand for food. Although overall, ball pythons are extremely docile creatures that are rarely ever aggressive, there are … [Read more...] about Why Did My Ball Python Bite Me?
On Varying Opinions in the Ball Python Community
I've been trying to educate myself about ball python pet care since before Thomas and I adopted Havana, who is our first ball python, in late October of last year. Yet it seems that research, especially in this field, is quite difficult. The problem … [Read more...] about On Varying Opinions in the Ball Python Community
Sleeping Outside
Havana has not slept inside her hide since Thomas and I installed a heating mat directly beneath it, which occurred just a while before her last shed. At first, of course, I assumed the heat mat was the reason why she was sleeping outside, but since … [Read more...] about Sleeping Outside
Increasing Humidity Using a Wet Towel
My ball python's enclosure is glass with a metal wire lid that allows for plenty of ventilation. The issue with keeping a snake in an enclosure like this is that snakes, especially during shed, need high levels of humidity, and enclosures that … [Read more...] about Increasing Humidity Using a Wet Towel
Are There Visible Symptoms of Salmonella in Snakes?
Although a good number of reptiles, and pets in general, are infected with salmonella, it's actually quite near impossible to tell if your reptile has salmonella, as the visible symptoms are minuscule if they are at all noticeable. There are over … [Read more...] about Are There Visible Symptoms of Salmonella in Snakes?
Do Ball Pythons Smell?
Ball pythons themselves do not give off an odour. That being said, if an owner does not upkeep their ball python's vivarium, the enclosure will certainly begin to smell bad over time. These bad smells result from either urine or feces that have not … [Read more...] about Do Ball Pythons Smell?