Ball pythons have no eyelids, so unlike humans and animals that close their eyes while they sleep, it can be difficult to tell when a ball python is really asleep. That being said, ball pythons do sleep, and normally for quite a long time. It’s not unusual for a ball python to sleep for 22 or 23 hours a day, and wake up only for an evening stroll. When ball pythons are shedding, since they conserve their energy for about a week before they finally shed, they can sleep straight through for up to two weeks on end, possibly only waking up for a few minutes here and there to get into a more comfortable position.
Ball pythons are fairly lazy creatures, which makes sense since they only really eat about once a week. They conserve their energy most of the time by resting and sleeping, hence why they are normally only up for a couple of hours a day. Digesting their food takes a lot of energy, and so while they will sleep a lot when they are gearing up for a shed, they will also sleep a lot when they’ve just eaten and are digesting their food. Therefore, although it’s difficult to ascertain whether or not a ball python is currently sleeping because they do not have eyelids that they close while sleeping and open while awake, they do sleep, and quite often really.
Elvin says